What we Offer to our Clients

A product developed by Empyef Technologies for Families

Legacy Explorer is a platform to bring your close relatives and family under a single platform and stay connected no matter how far away places they are. We have a listing page that contains the list of all the members of your family and their primary information like; Name, Contact Address, Mobile Number, Email Address of all Members. There is an option for a quick search to find anyone in the family along with the list. With Legacy Explorer, finding the contact details of your relatives to send an invitation card for any function or event has become so much easier and hassle-free. Legacy Explorer also helps connecting family members in a family tree, makes everything so easier.

How it Works?

Legacy Explorer platform provides an administrative account for each family, where the administrator can add new members to the family. The administrator can also designate few family members as moderators to help him collate data. Every family member will be provided a login detail based on the unique id the administrator provides or using their email ids. Once logged in, every family member has full read access to the entire family data and will also be able to update their personal information.

Key Features

Some of our major unique features include

Member Details

Members can view the details of every family member: their primary information, contact details, and other relevant details provided by them.

Family Tree View

As families grow larger, it gets difficult to track relative and new additions to the families. We provide a tree view of the family, showing who is who in the family.

Quick Search

For a large family, finding the contact details of any member is difficult. We provide a quick search option, which helps to find any member easier.